Rating of authoritative channels determined by the HITS algorithm.
The calculation method is based on an algorithm called Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS), a link analysis algorithm that evaluates web pages developed by John Kleinberg.
The idea behind hubs and authorities arose from a particular understanding of how web pages were created during the early days of the Internet: that is, certain web pages, known as hubs, served as large directories that were not actually authoritative for the information they contained, but were used as compilations of a broad catalog of information that directed users to other authoritative pages.
In other words, a good hub is a page that points to many other pages, while a good authority is a page that is linked to by many different hubs.
We believe that pages are Telegram channels, and links are direct reposts of messages or links to channels.
So, a more authoritative channel is one that is linked to other equally authoritative channels. And a hub channel is one that reposts or mentions other authoritative channels, although it is mentioned to a lesser extent.