
The channel rating is based on objective indicators that can be easily verified based on open information. The calculation formula is presented below.
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How we determine original sources?

The calculation is based on the normalization* of five indicators within a certain period of time:

1. Number of publications of the channel's original sources, on the basis of which the trend (topic) was formed.

2. The sum of views of all publications of trends.

3. Number of unique channels that mentioned trends.

4. Number of channel subscribers.

5. Total number of publications.

The rating includes channels that have at least one original source that became a trend within the selected period of time.

Final calculation formula:

Index = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 / 5

* Normalization is a method of preprocessing numerical features in order to bring them to some common scale without losing information about the difference in ranges.

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