It is based on an algorithm, named Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) — is a link analysis algorithm that rates Web pages, developed by Jon Kleinberg.
The idea behind Hubs and Authorities stemmed from a particular insight into the creation of web pages when the Internet was originally forming: that is, certain web pages, known as hubs, served as large directories that were not actually authoritative in the information that they held, but were used as compilations of a broad catalog of information that led users direct to other authoritative pages.
In other words, a good hub represents a page that pointed to many other pages, while a good authority represents a page that is linked by many different hubs. We believe that pages are Telegram channels, and links are direct reposts of messages or links to channels. So a more authoritative channel is one that is linked to by other equally authoritative channels. And a channel - a hub is considered to be a channel that reposts or mentions other authoritative channels, although it is mentioned to a lesser extent.
Read more about The HITS Algorithm on Wikipedia